Setting Up Introduction
Please read all the topics in this section thoroughly before attempting to use this module. In addition, once you begin to set up the module for first use, please read the notes under each setting's input.
Going forward, it is assumed you have already set up a page field (i.e., already created a field of type Page Reference) ready for use with Visual Page Selector as described earlier.
Remember that you will need to select VisualPageSelector* as the Input field type in your page field's Input Tab.
In addition, bear in mind that Visual Page Selector is not compatible with the page field setting Custom PHP code to find selectable pages. Other than this, feel free to use any of the other page field methods for returning selectable pages without any worry of slowdowns.
Visual Page Selector is able to handle unlimited number of selectable pages since these are not directly loaded in the Inputfield. Instead, you browse through selectable pages using ProcessWire's powerful Lister. Please note though that if you are using the module in a 'one-page-per-image' setup, in Thumbs view, initially, it may take some time to create thumbnails of the representative images. Depending on the size of the images, this may slow down your site until the thumbnails have been created.
Once Visual Page Selector is specified as the Input field type in your page field and the field has been saved, you should see settings specific to Visual Page Selector displayed in your page field's Input Tab. As can be seen from the screenshot below, there are four sections containing different settings for Visual Page Selector. These are:
- VPS: Page Edit Settings: Relate to what you see when you edit your page field
- VPS: Modal Settings: Affect what you see when you browse the modal window displaying selectable pages
- VPS: Lister Settings: These are specific to Lister, hence the modal window displaying selectable pages
- VPS: Image Field Settings: These relate to thumbnails when Thumbs view is used in either page edit or selectable pages displays

In the next topic, we will start to look at each setting under the above four settings' sections.