Enhanced Page Selector for ProcessWire Page Fields

Visual Page Selector

Page fields are one of ProcessWire's most powerful features. They are used to create groups, categories, tagging systems, in 'one-page-per-image' galleries and other complex relationships between pages in ProcessWire. Using them is easy: create a page field with criteria for finding selectable pages to add to the page field during page edit. Edit your page and add a selectable page to the page field based on its title. But what if you wanted more...?

What if you needed to know more than the title of a selectable page before adding it to a page field? Say you wanted to know if some field in a selectable page was not empty? Or see its content first? What if you needed to know if it had a certain image, and what that image looked like? What if you needed to know how many children it has or when it was last modified and by whom? Say you needed to easily browse through thousands of selectable pages, quickly finding and choosing what you were looking for...?

The list goes on and on. Unless you opened the selectable page for editing, you wouldn't know the answer to these questions. However, that's neither practical nor efficient, especially in a large site. Well now, you can do it efficiently. You can do all these things, and more effortlessly, in a smooth and very robust way. 

Visual Page Selector is a powerful commercial Inputfield module for ProcessWire that allows you to do all these things. It is an enhanced Inputfield for ProcessWire page fields (fields of type Page Reference) that enables the addition/removal of pages to a page field in a 'visual manner'.

For ProcessWire users that demand a little bit extra of their page fields, by all means, go crazy with it. Visual Page Selector can easily handle unlimited numbers of a page field's selectable pages as these are not loaded directly to the Inputfield. Pages are added to the inputfield via a modal using a ProcessWire Lister interface allowing you to find that last bit of information about a selectable page before adding it to your page field. 

For ProcessWire users who utilise the one-page-per-image approach to manage and reuse images across their site, Visual Page Selector provides thumbnail representation of those pages, allowing for a powerful, rich editing experience, enabling editors to search for, select, add, remove and delete pages (and optionally their images) using any of their properties (name, title, image tag, description, etc.) in an easy to use and friendly interface.

Visual Page Selector will significantly enhance the way you work with page fields, making you more productive.



An overview of the changes between Visual Page Selector versions can be found here.